To Others...
Do you have someone you're cheering for? Do you value friend's dream? Is there a child you're proud of? What about the potential of a student?
Help to nurture and support their GREATNESS by gifting them motivation.
To Yourself...
Often times, GREAT people tend to service others while neglecting to serve themselves. Treat yourself to some personalized motivation.
What area in your life can you use a jump-start in?​ What answer are you seeking, that could help you over a hump?
Be An Angel...
We at Thug Child are always intersecting with individuals who are seeking to better themselves and could use a boost. Your donation will go towards those who could use an angel at this moment in their life.
Select the right gift...
Whether for yourself or someone you believe in, you decide the best gift for the situation.
You decide what you need...
You let us know the topic of the motivation. Ask a question, focus on a topic, address a situation. Tell us what is right for you.
This is not therapy. This is the transfer of teachings, positivity, and love from one person to another.
Made specifically for you...
You, or the receiver of the gift, will complete a short form telling us about who you are and your motivation needs. This will help us make the motivation more personalized for you.
Speedy delivery...
Once the info-form is submitted, your gift will be delivered via email within 36 hours after order is placed and the form is submitted.
Motivation Made to Order
Select A Gift
Help to brighten up a stranger's life. Your donation will sponsor a motivation gift to someone in need of an uplift.